
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cool Anti-Aging Tips

By Kevin Whitsitt

The top anti aging formula has to do with what we eat. Since it does affect so much, first let's go over a little bit of history. Because of modern medicine, In the 1900's our culture has successfully defeated many of the worst diseases. For example, polio, small pox, basically the same ailments that were the culprit of so much destruction and death earlier in history.

That is the good news. The news which is negative is that we have new problems that are just as damaging that were not around before the 1900's. To give you some examples, diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart disease.

Let's discuss the biggest killer right now in our culture which is heart disease. Every day 2,500 Americans die from heart disease. In the year 1930 heart disease caused no more than 3,000 deaths. This fact is according the U.S. Bureau of Senses.

The real question is what the heck are we doing so differently in the early 1900's than we are not doing right now? The two things that pop in my mind has to do with the way we live our life as well as what we put in our mouth.

One point a century ago, we were not consuming a whole bunch of refined carbohydrates and sugars that we do in today's food. A carbohydrate is a carbon plus water sugar compound that plants make when they are exposed to light.

The process that eliminates everything except the highly digestible carbohydrate, so it releases sugar extremely quickly is called a refined carbohydrate. Unrefined carbohydrates release sugar much slower such as fruit and vegetables. When a person consumes carbohydrates, their body converts it to glucose (which is sugar). Then the pancreas puts out insulin in the blood stream to control where the glucose goes.

First off it heads to the Mitochondria of a cell (which is the power supply) this is why there is a sugar rush. The left over sugar gets transformed as fat. If a person consumes a lot of refined carbs, their body produces lots of insulin. What happens is cells become more insulin resistant. As you can guess this is the beginning of the horrible disease diabetes.

Unfortunately your body produces even more insulin because of the resistance, the glucose doesn't get turned into fat as fast, and the sugar remains in the blood stream.

To get the full article click on HERE  []Anti-Aging Formula.

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