
Friday, August 27, 2010

Natural Anti Aging Tips - How to Make an Old Face Look Younger

By  Rebecca S. Purple

Ever since, man has been in the quest of finding the elixir of youth. Even if he hasn't been successful yet, technology, science, and nature have afforded us many ways on how to make an old face look younger. This way, you can delay the aging process further.

Here are great tricks that you can follow to how to make an old face look younger:

#1. Stay out of the sun.  The truth is you need sunlight to produce vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption and production of antioxidants. However, the maximum duration for your exposure should only be limited to 20 minutes and usually during morning. The rest of the time, make sure that you have used sunblocks to avoid the harmful rays of the sun from causing damage into your skin. They can cause the appearance of premature wrinkles and even diseases such as skin cancer.

#2. Take supplements.  There are already supplements that will help you on how to make an old face look younger. The best ones are those that contain natural ingredients such as saw palmetto, vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, PABA, and biotin. Moreover, they don't only promote better skin health, but they also encourage more excellent health and nail care.

#3. Check the food you're eating. If you want to discover how to how to make an old face look younger, then you must be ready to say good-bye to fatty and oil foods. These can only increase the level of cholesterol in your blood, weaken your immune system, and make you gain more weight-all signs of premature aging.

Rather, focus on having rainbow colors on your plate. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are rich in fiber to keep the toxins out of your body, increase your immunity, take care of the different body organs, and make you feel sexier. Fruits such as tomatoes and cucumber are known to improve the appearance of skin.

I have also had great success with using natural skin care product lines, because most of the popular anti aging creams out there are filled with chemicals and other harmful ingredients.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the   best skin creams, visit my website, where I share what anti-aging skin care products I use for fast, and effective results.

You can visit my website at

Article Source: [

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beauty Tips and Anti-Aging Treatment

By Ingrid Preube

Age management was never as easy as it is now the relevant expertise and perfect knowledge to deal with all your aging issues and after having a deep look at your medical history experts can suggest you the best solution explaining all the associated issues including pre-treatment effects, time, risks, cost etc. It's recommended to take your medical history and any tests that you may have with you on your introductory visit so that a best possible solution can be offered.

You have many options to select form as per your skin requirement; if you want to rejuvenate your face and give yourself a more pleasant appearance, you can go for BOTOX solution which is an injection therapy after which your skin will look softer and relaxed.

If you want to get a wrinkle correction treatment so as to look younger, fresh and healthier you can go for fillers. Moreover facial peels are also very helpful in getting a younger look. The intensity of the peels varies as per the type of the skin. These facial peels are quite helpful in getting rid of age spots, acne, black and white heads, fine lines, and porosity. The best part is that facial evaluation is free of cost so now you can get to know about your skin requirements without spending a penny.

Another age management issue for men and women, menopause and andropause respectively can be treated is the best hormonal treatment along with appropriate Anti-Aging Medicine is provided to help you maintain your health. You need not to be worried about any wellness test, as all are performed using the latest methods and tools.

For free anti-aging tips click here: []Anti-aging Issues []Beauty Clinics

Article Source: []

Monday, August 9, 2010

Anti-Aging - Get Rid of Wrinkles and Laugh Marks Within 30 Days

By  Riya K Hallowith

Timeless Secret Anti-Aging Skin Care Kit
There was a time when I had wrinkles over my forehead, under my eyes and on my neck. There were my colleagues who remarked, "Riya, you are getting old." Being a woman, that is a harsh thing to hear. And you know how it feels, when you see yourself with those deep laugh marks and a forehead with very fine yet deepening wrinkles? Then I saw Dr. OZ explaining about Dermitage (Wrinkle Removal Cream) and Resveratrol (Anti Aging Supplement) on CNN. I was impressed with his words and decided to give it a try.

It was Easy to Follow:

Though initially I was quite apprehensive in trying out any anti aging product. But the process was Really Simple and straight forward. I never had to go round and round doing something really silly rather it was fun. All I had to do is to Fill Form for Free Trial Pack of Resveratrol and Dermitage. For me it was like a two step process to be followed.

Completely Natural and Safe:

Dermitage is a revolutionary formula, which helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines by 45 %. Dermitage has the most valuable natural antigens- Collagen, Fibronectin and Hyaluronic Acid, which help in Keeping Skin Young and Supple. It is to be noted that as your skin ages the production of these antigens gradually slows down and is on continuous decline resulting the wrinkles and laugh marks.

Resveratrol - The biggest advantage of this anti aging program is that it's completely natural. Very few people know advantages of Red Wine, which is largely consumed by French. Red wine is the secret behind the healthy skin of the French models like Carla Bruni and Olga Kurylenko. Resveratrol helps in slowing down the ageing process as proved by many studies worldwide.

When I saw Dr. Oz explaining suggesting Dermitage (For Removing Wrinkles) and Resveratrol Supplement (For Controlling Aging Process). I did lot of research to find to right Source for both Products. While doing my research on net, I found that Few Companies offering Free Trial as they are very confident about results.

I went ahead and placed order on both sites offering the Free Trial of Dermapril and Resveratrol.

You should check out my story at [] To know My Story How i Combined 2 Free Trial Products to Remove my Wrinkles. And Try []Dermitage and Resveratrol Free!

Article Source: [

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Top 12 Anti-Aging Tips!

By  Mark Woodgate

NO BOX. Model Co Erase Those Fine Lines, 14 applicators & tips (in case as shown in photo)1. HAPPINESS IS YOUR NO. 1 ALLY!

Happiness is the ally to a long and healthy life, however one of the biggest cons perpetrated by society and the media is the illusion that in order to be happy, you must 'have.' However, if fame and fortune was really the be all and end all, Hollywood celebrities would be the happiest people on the planet!

Reaching the top of the corporate ladder, living in a fancy castle or owning a Lamborghini might produce short term joys, but not the lasting happiness so many us are yearning for.

Focus your time and energy on the things that bring true happiness - such as developing quality relationships, making a difference in people's lives and contributing to a cause greater than yourself.


It was once believed that we were born with a finite number of brain cells (neurons) however in the 1990s decades of dogma was overturned by the discovery that we make new neurons throughout our lives and the brain is constantly changing - a term known as 'neuroplasticity.'

Scientists have discovered that the best way to grow new neurons and develop new connections in the brain is to continually challenge ourselves. Embracing change, trying new things, new experiences, new hobbies, changing your surroundings - all help to stimulate the brain and keep us young.

Naturally, the opposite is also true. When we always do the same things, in the same way, at the same times, we risk becoming set in our ways and our brain atrophies. Just as the muscles atrophy from a lack of use, so it is with the brain. In other words, it really is a case of 'use it or lose it!'

Keeping our brain active can also stave off mental decline and prevent diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.Taiwanese Tea Sampler (3 Tins) - Jasmine, TiKuanYin (Iron Goddess) & Dong Ting Oolong (Wu Long) Tea (Loose Tea)


Do you follow the leader or do you think for yourself? Are you a black sheep or white sheep?

Did you secretly want to be an artist and then decided to conform to your parents expectations and became a doctor instead?

Do you blindly follow tradition because 'that's the way it's always been done.'

Are you repressing your true identity or sexual preference for fear of persecution?

To be a non conformist is to question everything, to be true to yourself and in control of your life.

Non conformity is the expression of intelligence. Express don't repress!


Regular exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen our immune system and avoid illness. Exercise helps to increase our strength and stamina, improves body composition, boosts our moods plus many more benefits too numerous to list here.

Aim to work out for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times per week and include the following elements:

1) Resistance training: Train with weights to keep your muscles strong, for bone density, for healthy tendons and ligaments.

2) Cardiovascular fitness: Train aerobically for your cardiovascular health and to stimulate your lymphatic system.

3) Stretching: Stretch regularly to stay supple, avoid aches and pains.

Our body was designed to be exercised. So get moving!


A diet high in naturally occurring antioxidants helps to neutralize free radicals.

Free radicals are formed during the natural metabolic activities of our body; however other factors such as smoking, radiation, pollution, chemicals, prolonged exercise and excessive sun exposure can significantly increase free radical production and speed up the aging process.

Researchers continue to find elements in fruit and vegetables that fight degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease and slow down the hands of time.

Make it your goal to consume 5-9 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Foods rich in antioxidants are usually colorful and have a darker pigment.

Some of the highest antioxidant foods include: blueberries, beans, prunes and apples.

Periodic juicing is also an excellent way to top up your antioxidant levels.

Click here for the top 20 highest antioxidant foods


Many people avoid the sun in the mistaken belief that sun exposure is detrimental to their health.

On the contrary, moderate sun exposure protects against many health ailments including cancer. In fact, there is a strong correlation between low levels of vitamin D and increased cancer risk.

According to Dr Mercola ( optimal levels of vitamin D can cut your risk of getting cancer by as much as 60%.

Where possible, try to get at least 10-15 minutes of sun exposure everyday.


Just as exercise is for the body, meditation is for the mind.

Meditation is an age old practice that is gaining wider acceptance around the world.

Brain imaging scans performed on Buddhist monks reveal the powerful effects of meditation, in particular the marked increase in brain activity in the prefrontal lobe - the area of the brain associated with positive emotion, creativity and happiness.

Long term meditators report lower levels of stress, more self confidence and an increased sense of well being.

As little as 10-20 minutes per day can have dramatic and ongoing positive effects in your life.

8. FAST!

Fasting is an ancient and powerful approach to disease prevention and the restoration of good health. There are also numerous studies linking reduced calorie intake to increased longevity.

Going without food for short periods of time boosts immune function and allows the body's hardest working organ, the liver, to take a break from processing nutrients and redirect its energy toward detoxification.

Clinical studies have demonstrated numerous health benefits including:

 * The normalisation of blood pressure.
 * The resolution of inflammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis.
 * Quiets allergic reactions such as asthma and hayfever.
 * Dissipates cravings for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other drugs.
 * Improves digestion and elimination.

A 24 hour water-only fast once every 7-14 days resets your biological clock and can do wonders for your health. Some individuals with special conditions may not be able to fast, therefore if unsure, check with a qualified health professional.

9. GIVE!

With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, it's easy to get caught up in the trap of 'me, me, me' and forget about some of the more important things in life - such as giving.

Scientists have observed that when we receive a gift from someone, serotonin levels in our brain increase and we feel happier. However, when we are the giver, our serotonin levels increase to a level higher than if we were the receiver!

Giving is one of the keys to happiness, so start practicing acts of random kindness TODAY.

It can be something small, such as helping a stranger find their way, giving your time to help a friend in need, or it can be something as simple as a smile.

Most importantly, give without expecting anything in return.


The family of 114 year old, U.S. based Mary Josephine Ray, attributed her longevity to the fact that she welcomed each and every day with gratitude and wonder. She was also described as a person who totally lived in the moment and never gave a thought to dying.

New research demonstrates that an 'attitude of gratitude' is one of the fastest ways to happiness, prosperity and a long, healthy life.

In a remarkable study performed by Professor Robert Emmons from the University of California, people who kept a gratitude journal for just 3 weeks measured 25% higher life satisfaction. Participants exercised more, drank less alcohol, and their families and friends noticed that they were more pleasant to be around. And these effects lasted for several months beyond the initial 3 week study.

Other studies confirm that people who take the time to notice and appreciate the good things that come their way, tend to be happier, more peaceful, they practice healthier habits, have better relationships, are more optimistic and live longer.

No matter what your circumstances, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.

Take at least 5 minutes everyday to express your gratitude for the magic of life.


Challenges will inevitably present themselves during the course of our lives, but it's how we respond to these challenges that define who we really are.

Life is too short to hold grudges and to allow negativity to creep into our lives.

Try to gain a new perspective and always ask yourself, "Will this matter in 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years?" Otherwise, is it really worth the worry?

When we take ourselves too seriously, anger and hostility can take hold and the world appears less friendly. Moreover, these negative emotions are associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease.

Conversely, light heartedness, playfulness and laughter boost the immune system and make the world a better place to live.

Choose to see the glass half full and look on the bright side.


If you feel like a hamster on the wheel, constantly stressed, overwhelmed with commitments and always short on time, simplifying your life could be the answer.

Disillusioned by our consumer based society, many people are choosing to downshift, slow down and get off the proverbial treadmill.

Ultimately it's about prioritizing and unburdening our lives by de-cluttering, delegating, eliminating and learning to say no. Only then can we devote our time to the things that truly matter.

And therein lies the 'secret' to a long, happy and healthy life. It's about spending more time doing the things we love, whilst always remembering that pleasure is often found in the simplest of things.

Mark Woodgate is a leading personal trainer and has successfully transformed over 1000 people with his Body Blueprint 12 Week Challenge and Ultimate Transformation System. To find out how to achieve AMAZING results in MINIMAL time, download Mark's FREE 12 week challenge information pack at:

Article Source: [!&id=4172392] The Top 12 Anti-Aging Tips!