
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anti Aging Treatments - Antioxidants And Anti Aging Remedies

By  Joel Davis

Anti aging treatments come in various forms, some of the most
common are anti aging skin care products, anti aging therapies
such as chelation and for some surgery. One crucial part of the
anti aging equation is lifestyle, how we treat and what we put
into our bodies. Getting this right can make a significant
difference at any age. However the sooner you start good
nutritional habits and looking after yourself physically the
more youth and vitality you will have as you age.

Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress.

Briefly Antioxidants are the protective force against free
radicals. If we have insufficient anti-oxidants in our diet or
an excess of free radical generators then we suffer oxidative
stress. Oxidative stress is a key link to heart disease, cancer
and other diseases.

A healthy, nutritious diet can make people feel and look
younger, here are some tips for using Antioxidants in your diet
as an anti aging treatment.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Plants produce anti
oxidants for their own defense but they also happen to protect
us. Shop by color, intensity is the key, e.g. dark leaf greens.

Anti oxidants work better together, so take a variety rather
than large doses of one.

Lycopene is a proven cancer fighter found in tomatoes,
watermelon and red paw-paw, eat plenty.

Kale is the best antioxidant vegetable with the highest levels
of lutein of any food. Exellent eye nutrition.

Berries top the chart as antioxidant super foods, and are high
on the list of antiaging treatments. The ultimate antioxidant
defense food being dried goji berries. They also contain several
times the vitamin C than citrus and have the highest level of
cartenoids of any plant.
Olay Professional Pro-X Anti-Aging Starter Protocol, 1 KitRooibos Tea is a rich source of antioxidants not
compromised by caffeine. Note that milk added
to tea negates the antioxidant benefits.

Red Wine - While red wine is nicer, red grape
juice is bettermedicine, and although red wine
is good for you the bad news is that, after more
than one glass the alcohol content negates the
benefits. Many people enjoy a glass of wine or
a cocktail and although drinking in moderation is not an anti aging treatment
it should not be a problem for those worried about the aging process. Moderation is the key.

When drinking alcohol - Milk Thistle is the best antioxidant
herb for liver support. Also hydrate, take B vitamins and
Vitamin C, eat and avoid sweet mixers. Avoid excessive amounts
of alcohol. Chocolate, good news here for an antiaging remedy, dark
chocolate containing 70% cocoa is amongst the worlds most
powerful antioxidants. Again milk added as in milk chocolate
negates the benefits.

Devices that ionize and alkalize water also offer a remarkably
inexpensive source of antioxidants. I.e. alkaline water
scavenges active oxygen compounds including free radicals - it
bonds with active oxygen to prevent oxidization.

Exercise is the best of anti ageing treatments it expands
clogged up blood vessels to help remove waste through
perspiration. Vigorous walking is great, try for at least four
times a week of a minimum of thirty minutes, and don’t be afraid
to do more!

Eliminate stress, this is a topic on its own but important. See our blog for more on this.

Many people fail get enough sleep. A good nights sleep will
help slow or reverse the aging process. Try to get at least
eight hours every night.

Most of these anti aging treatments require a modest amount of
discipline, remember good habits slow the Aging process.

About the Author: Joel Davis is the publisher and editor of
http;//, a site that provides
information and articles for maintaining lifelong health and
Anti Aging.


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