
Monday, September 6, 2010

A Wrinkle Cure and Anti Aging Skin Care - Is There Really a Way to Cure Wrinkles Naturally?

By  Sharon McCarthy

If you go shopping for a wrinkle cure and anti aging skin care products, you will find that you have many to choose from. Finding one is not the problem. It's finding one that works that is the problem. Independent studies conducted by several research groups including Manchester University have shown that most of the creams on the market have very little effect. Don't let that disappoint you. The researchers also found that some "compounds" are effective.

The news media helps consumers by covering the results of these studies, but they only reveal part of the story. It isn't enough for a cosmetic company to include the right compounds. They must use the right concentration and the right form. But, here's what usually happens. The media informs the public that a compound is effective for reversing wrinkles. The cosmetic companies take advantage of what is effectively free advertising by adding that compound to their "new and improved formulas".

Let's take collagen as an example. Decreased collagen production, along with the length of time it takes for collagen fibers to be replaces, is one of the causes of wrinkling and sagging skin. Practically every wrinkle cure and anti aging skin care product contains some animal collagen. But, does it work?

The general public knows about lost collagen. They also know that collagen implants and injections are sold by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons to smooth out wrinkles. As an injectable, collagen does work to smooth out wrinkles by inflating the skin's fatty tissue layer. As a topically applied compound, it does not work.

It cannot penetrate into the dermis where the skin's collagen fibers are located. It certainly cannot penetrate into the fatty tissue layer. There is no benefit of topically applied collagen except as a moisturizer and it's not very effective for that purpose.

There are many compounds to look for when you want an effective wrinkle cure and anti aging skin care product. The right form and concentration depends on the ingredient in question. For example, coenzyme Q10 is effective for reversing wrinkles, but only when the particles are reduced in size and only when the reduced particles are included at a concentration of at least 5%.

Take the time to learn more about the right forms and concentrations. Then you can find a good wrinkle cure and anti aging skin care product.

You will find more information about how to effectively   remove wrinkles here. The Official Anti-Aging Revolution Book Stop The Clock Time is on your Side For A Younger, Stronger, Happier You (4th edition, 2007, Softcover)Or visit my web site now at and discover proven cutting edge skin care products that protect your skin and slow down the aging process.

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