
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where to Begin When Using Natural Facial Anti-Aging Remedies

By  M. Chalmers

We are living in a time when as consumers we are empowered to check the cosmetics we put on our skin and make an informed choice about what we use for our day-to-day beauty regimen or solutions to facial skin problems. There is much information been shared concerning the dangers of some of the ingredients in various beauty lotions and potions. It is getting easier to check ingredient lists for toxic substances. This empowerment, by extension, enables us to take charge of one aspect of our health and reduce our exposure to substances that may make us look good at the onset but slowly damage our health later in life. Many of us want anti-aging solutions with good results but minimal or no long-term risk and are therefore subscribing to natural remedies.

Like me, you have decided to significantly reduce your risk of exposure to carcinogenic (cancer causing) and other potentially harmful substances, that too often find their way into even cosmetic items touted as being natural. In order to skip the time-consuming and often confusing checking of ingredients, making your own anti-aging remedies using simple yet very effective ingredients from nature is the best way forward. As you choose to pursue natural anti-aging facial skin care, I don't want you to fall into some of the trial and error issues that I had.

So, where do you begin? First get to know your skin type. It is true that many natural beauty remedies are used effectively by people of various skin types but some are more specifically suited to certain types. Knowing yours enables you to match it with the best recommended natural remedy to slow down the aging process and improve your looks. The four skin types are dry, oily, normal and combination. Since people any of the four can have sensitive skin, it is believed that sensitive, like acne should be called a skin condition instead of a type. A simple test to determine your skin type is the tissue blot test. This method is done by using a clean facial tissue (or paper) to wipe your face in the morning right after you have woken up. What is or is not left on the tissue along with how your skin feels is a good indicator of your type. For example, if the tissue reveals no traces of oil and the skin feels vibrant, elastic and supple you most likely have normal skin. Your aim is to get your skin to consistently look and feel smooth, supple and toned. Avoid anything that would cause it to get too dry, peeling, cracked or irritated or on the flip side avoid anything that will result in increased oil, enlarged and blocked pores. Aim for a balance in your anti-aging campaign.

After you have armed yourself with knowledge of your skin type you should now seek guidance of what natural ingredient is most beneficial for you and therefore support your natural anti-aging solution. Do not subscribe to the belief that because you are using something straight from nature that it would work for you. This is not always so. For example I find an egg white mask soothing, smoothing and tightening (even wrinkle fighting), but my combination skin would only tolerate it once in a while because of its tendency of being drying and leaves me more prone to cracking and peeling if used too frequently. When my skin gets too dry it also over produce sebum and I get big painful pimples. I know of others with oily skin that do not have any problems with using an egg white mask regularly. Please note however, that you can still reap the many benefits of using the natural item that does not seem to match your skin type by mixing it with another natural ingredient. For example a squirt of vitamin E from a capsule or a few drops of coconut oil added to the egg white keeps my dry areas satisfied but doesn't seem to negatively affect my oily zones.

Anything that adversely affects your skin can hinder you from putting your best face forward. When it comes to being successful in making and using your own natural anti-aging remedies, it is critical that you know the nature of your natural ingredient and which ones would be most beneficial to your skin type. This opens the door to many possible effective natural facial treatments and cleansers. It is prudent that you invest in getting quality advice on which of nature's little gems are your secrets to a glowing, toned, youthful face even when the days of youth are long gone.

You will never regret investing in a truly natural approach to []anti-aging facial skin care. For further help in perfecting your anti-aging strategy be sure to []Click Here

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